Dedicated to Improving EMS Through Education

We provide your EMS continuing education solution for both organizations and individuals. Our modern software solution combine with our evidence based content provide a unique online education experience.

Prodigy can handle all of your recertification need.

Whether you are an individual looking to rectify or an organization looking for a better option for your providers, Prodigy represents the industry standard for recertification.

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Our Journey to Innovation

Prodigy EMS embodies the evolution of EMS education. Born from the need for a more dynamic, responsive, and efficient learning environment, we've dedicated ourselves to redefining how EMS professionals learn and grow. Our platform represents a synergy of technology and educational excellence, designed to meet the ever-changing demands of EMS providers. With over a decade of relentless innovation, we've transformed that vision into reality, offering an unparalleled learning experience that prepares EMS professionals for the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Unmatched User Experience

Prodigy EMS is designed to simplify your learning journey. Our intuitive platform ensures that with just a few clicks, you're on your way to completing your classes without the hassle. Regular updates keep our system at the cutting edge, making your learning experience seamless and in tune with the latest internet standards.

Dynamic Content Delivery

Inspired by platforms like Netflix and YouTube, Prodigy EMS delivers high-quality video content tailored to your device and bandwidth. This means you get the best possible viewing experience, whether you're on a mobile device in the field or connected to a high-speed internet at home.

Evidence-Based Content

Our library boasts over 300 classes, continuously updated with new, evidence-based material. From pediatric resuscitation to airway management, our content is developed in collaboration with leading industry experts and organizations, ensuring you receive education that's both relevant and impactful.